• Strabismus

    Strabismus is the medical term for the misalignment of the eyes. Commonly referred to as cross-eyed or wall-eyed, strabismus may involve either one or both eyes turning inward, outward or even up or down. It is one of the most common vision conditions in young children, affecting somewhere between 2

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  • What Causes Dry Eye?

    If you have experienced scratchy, irritated eyes that are easily fatigued, you may have a medical condition called dry eye. Dry eye is characterized by inadequate tears to lubricate the eye surface and protect it. While some people dismiss dry eye as a minor irritation, it can be a sign of more significant

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  • What Is Astigmatism?

    Astigmatism is an extremely common eye condition that affects both children and adults. It occurs when there is an imperfection in some part of your cornea, the clear tissue that covers your iris. Light rays pass through the cornea as they travel to the retina, a thin layer of cells at the back of your

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  • What You Need to Know About Dry Eye

    If you have never suffered from dry eye, you might not appreciate how important your tears are to your eye health. Without enough moisture, your eyes can become dry, itchy, red and uncomfortable. Dry eye occurs when you do not make enough tears or the tears you produce are not high quality. The Importance

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  • Blue Light Exposure: What Is It?

    Is blue light hurting your vision? Find out how the light can affect you.

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  • Vision Therapy for Concussion Management

    You've probably read an article or seen a news report about professional athletes who suffer from post-concussion syndrome. Many of these athletes experienced problems after repeated falls or blows to the head during their careers. Unfortunately, the problem doesn't just affect people who've had multiple

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